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Physical Fitness Requirements




Physical Fitness Assessments

Cadets must perform physical fitness assessments in Air Force ROTC.

Our physical fitness assessment (PFA) is administered each semester.  We may offer a “mock” PFA early in the fall semester to give cadets a sense of where they stand and an official test during semester.  The PFA consists of 1 minute of pushups with good form, one minute of sit-ups, and a 1.5 mile run.  Below is the Air Force fitness charts listing maximum and minimum scores in order to pass the fitness assessment. 

DOWNLOAD:  Air Force Fitness Charts (Male and Female)

If you do not think that you can pass our PFA right now that does not mean you cannot join AFROTC.  Our PT sessions will help, but you will definitely need to work hard over the course of the semester to continue to improve in whatever areas you need to in order to pass.  That will probably require some additional gym time to include lifting weights, running, and better nutrition…or perhaps all three.  You need to be ready to work hard on these areas, and be realistic with yourself about being able to meet our physical training requirements.  If you think fitness may be a struggle for you, or you are simply unfamiliar with creating and maintaining a fitness routine, just ask cadre and/or the Physical Fitness Officer (PFO, upper classman cadet) and we will help you create a fitness regimen that works for you!  Many cadets are happy to show new cadets how to use equipment in the gym (free gym orientation sessions are also available through the fitness center staff).

You must show consistent progress and be ready to pass the PFA no later than your second semester in the program.  For some cadets it comes easy and for others it takes longer, but they all have to try hard at every PT session.