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Crosstown Schools & Academic Calendars




While Air Force ROTC (AFROTC) Detachment 290 is located on the campus of the University of Kentucky (UK), students from the schools listed below may enroll in and participate in our program through UK.  These are known as our "crosstown" schools.  Students complete their academic degrees through their college/university, and attend all AFROTC classes, leadership labs, and physical training sessions at UK.  Crosstown students receive UK "LinkBlue" accounts (for email and access to UK's Canvas platform), as well as UK student IDs and access to UK facilities.  Crosstown students enroll for AFROTC classes through their school's registrar and course catalog. 

Have questions about our crosstown program?  Please give us a call at (859) 257-7115 or email us at!

For more information on each institution, please click the name of the school to be directed to its homepage.

  1. University of Kentucky, Lexington - Home of Detachment 290 (Academic Calendar)