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On Valentine’s Day 2013, seven University of Kentucky students and proud cadets of Air Force ROTC Detachment 290 received a huge surprise and gifts to go along with it!  These seven cadets have given it their all and worked diligently in their studies and training and can attest their efforts are starting to pay off.  Each year, cadets are selected to become potential “Rated officers” in the Air Force.  Becoming a rated officer identifies that once a commission is earned as a Second Lieutenant these cadets will attend training to become a pilot, a Combat Systems Officer (CSO), Remotely-Piloted Aircraft operator (RPA), or an Air Battle Manager (ABM).  On February 14, 2013 HQ AFROTC at Maxwell AFB, AL released information identifying those cadets who had been selected to become a rated officer upon commissioning.  Detachment 290’s selection rate was one for the record books.  Out of seven cadet applicants from Air Force ROTC Detachment 290 at UK, all were selected for rated officer positions!  Cadet Andrew Hoch received a RPA pilot slot.  This was his top choice and he was enthralled to find out he was selected.  Cadets Colin Backert, Stephanie Imeson, Cody Oakes, Ryan Sunderland, Jesse Togawa, and Dustin Woosley were all selected for pilot slots, for which they will attend Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT) upon graduation and commissioning.  All six pilot selects were extremely excited to have the opportunity to pursue their Air Force careers as future pilots in the United Stare Air Force in the near future.  Many childhood dreams were reached and becoming a reality as they take this major step towards their individual career fields.  All seven cadets received a flight suit and a set of wings to pin on their uniform from Lt Col Gregory Franklin, Commander, AFROTC Detachment 290.  These cadets eagerly completed and excelled in a wide range of tests and training requirements to apply for these Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC).  Physical fitness, GPA, pilot aptitude test scores, and Field Training completion are some of the contributing factors in determining eligibility for a rated career field.  Congratulations to amazing cadets as they continue to pursue a future the world’s greatest Air Force and become Air Force commissioned officers!